B i t s   o f   A y l o r ' s   L i f e

It is fair to say that few people outside Madison County, Virginia know much about Albert Aylor - and most know him for his furniture. 

Our goal at the Aylor Project is to expand appreciation of Aylor's whole life - certainly including his furniture and how he made it - but also how he grew up, his Civil War experience, how he interacted with his local community, and how he dealt with the outside world. 

As such, we offer a few items to get us started. 

Displayed on the top of an Aylor-era chest is a selection of Aylor's  bank checks from several banks.  
Most interesting are the two checks shown - one for a subscription to Scientific American 
and another for a subscription to Literary Digest.  Clearly, Albert Aylor read widely
and had extensive outside interests. 

Aylor's personal and well-worn copy of the Cabinet-Makers and Upholsterer's Companion 
from his workshop.  It sits on top of an envelope sent to him from the 
Gilbert Spruance Company from which Aylor bought furniture supplies


And a most remarkable find - Albert Aylor's boyhood math book, signed by him at age 13 that 
he used for his studies. Insert shows where Aylor wrote "Albert Aylor's Book - Oct 11th 1850" 
on the first page.  

Aylor's glasses on a small notebook given out by the
Cincinnati Coffin Company.

Closeup of the inside of the small notebook from the Cincinatti Coiffin Company (above) with 
Aylor's note reminding himself to "Cut Chestnut Saplings"

A small brass pocket telescope from among Aylor's possessions

Just a few of the many checks written by Aylor to various violin and furniture
parts suppliers with whom he dealt.  

If anyone has any other information or items they wish to share with us (as a non-profit, we can accept donations of financial support or actual items) or we can arrange to have your items photographed or scanned so that they can be part of this evolving exhibit, please
e-mail us at the AylorProject@albertaylor.com.

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