A l b e r t   A y l o r ,   F u r n i t u r e - M a k e r

We are in the process of collecting photos of Aylor's furniture, furniture factory, tools, and related artifacts as well as actual items made by or related to Albert Aylor. We'll be adding many more photographs over the coming months. 

Here are several to get us started.

The classic steam-bent Aylor Chair.

Unidentified child in an Albert Aylor child's 
rocking chair - late 1800s

Aylor created a broad range of  furniture both for his own use and for sale.  Here is a paneled cabinet he made for use in his own home.

Aylor's shipping label to Charles Root 
attached to the top of a shipping box

Example of Aylor''s business cards - complete with prices

Aylor's personal toolbox with a collection of his tools

A collection of Aylor bed headboards and footboards ready for restoration



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